Knowing that time is of the essence, especially with snow removal customers, STEPS, Inc is centrally located in the Southern Tier to meet your immediate needs.
As an employee and management staffed company, we maintain direct control over all aspects of our operations. This eliminates unnecessary layers and ensures efficient turnaround times, while delivering the highest quality work. We are committed to meeting the specific needs and expectations of our clients. Our hands-on approach translates to superior quality, fast service, and cost savings.
We have added a few new technology tools to better to serve our clients, save you time, save you money, and give you peace of mind
Crew Control- A Few Key Benefits
- Real Time Interaction with a staff and field professionals
- Receive real time alerts for ETA and Job Completion
- Receive detailed Billing
- Invoicing with Secure Payment Options
- Much More....
PropteryIntel-A Few Key Benefits
- 2D or 3D Aerial Imagines
- Pin Point Measuring
- Accurate Estimating
- Interaction With Proposals
- Much More.....
Lawn Care Services for residential, commercial, plazas, and HOA's including: mowing, trimming, edging, mulch, landscape and your snow removal needs. We use the latest software programs which allows real time interactions between our clients and professionals in the field. For our Winter Maintenance Customers we have a 24/7 dispatch hotline.
Excavation services for most of your excavation needs ie ditch, drainage, driveway, demo, post holes, grading and more.
Utility sites, access roads, towers, service stations, solar panel stations seasonal maintenance lawn care/snow removals
Property Maintenance and general construction for real estate agents, financial institutions, homeowners, plazas and landlords.
Property Preservation/Hazard Claims/Insurance Loss Claims for residential, commercial, mortgage field industry, real estate agents, landlords and financial institutions

